Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Things You Learn.

It's been quite a morning of information, dear friends, and it's only a few minutes past 4.  I awoke a couple of hours ago, only to learn that, apparently, the cold medicine I'd taken before bed was the functional equivalent of crystal meth. It was a bad scene.  So, I took to the interwebz to see what was going on in the world. Apparently, quite a bit.

It seems that top recruit Shabazz Muhammad's eligibility may be called into question. Now, the nature of his financial advisors' role in financing his trips seems a far cry from "professional status" to me, but I'm no expert in NCAA compliance. I do know, however, that "Ken Kavanaugh" and "Benjamin Lincoln" are just shady-sounding names. All things being equal, I doubt that I'd entrust my family's financial future, especially if my family were all but guaranteed to consist of two professional athletes, to guys whose names sound like Joey Tribbiani's gym story and counterfeit money, respectively.

I then took to the brand-new and privacy-free Google to read Greg Doyel's excellentpiece on The General's repeated snubs of the UK basketball program.  Now, I have no doubt that Robert Montgomery Knight's shit was lost many years ago so I just can't work up much outrage at this whole "I won't say Kentucky" vendetta.  I did, however, stumble upon an Ohio State message board that informed me that the root of the campaign of silence is due to the fact that "Bobby Knight is a boss." [Some posts, confusingly, awarded Knight the title of "baus"; I suppose those originated in the German neighborhoods of Columbus...]  According to these same sources, Kentucky is only ranked due to the weak SEC.  Good lord, I can't wait to shut the Buckeyes down for a second year in a row.

Tonight is Senior Night for Darius Miller and Eloy Vargas.  Darius has lent so much leadership and maturity this season; we've really come to rely upon him.  Eloy has provided some solid minutes this season as well.  We'll miss them both and certainly wish them the best.

Happy March, y'all.  It's like Christmas.  Only with far more happy moments and fewer familial obligations.  And no forced gift-giving or overcooked ham.  It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!!

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