In this, Holiday Bowl Season, America's favorite sideline reporter Erin Andrews is working her little fingers to the bone. Unfortunately, with all this prosperity come lots and lots of vicious rumors. These are nothing new to Erin, whose ESPN success sometimes brings controversy and the jealousy only pretty girls can muster. Internet rumors abound, including a porn video (manufactured) and tales of affairs with the North Carolina basketball team (untrue.) If someone can find a way for the Tarheel rumors to interfere with their NCAA eligibility, however; why don't you go ahead and verify those.
Last summer, Ms. Andrews attended a game between the Cubs and the Milwaukee Brewers. She wore the dress shown above. She also was granted interviews with some Cubs players, either on the field or in the locker room. (I can't figure out which.) This caused great uproar with some male reporters, who said she distracted the team with her dress and her flirting. I see nothing wrong with the dress, although I don't think it's that cute. (Erin, come see me. Let's go shopping. We can do better.) I do smell some jealousy from the Boys' Club...
As for me, I like Erin. I covet her job. I think she does well with her assigned purpose, which I can't quite figure out. She dresses and looks like I think a female sideline reporter should. Why be the "token female" (sorry) and then show up looking like the boys? She needs to look womanly, and she is pretty. I also think she handles the flirting and fondling from the interviewees well. (I'm looking at you, Bruce Pearl.)
I guess we, as women, should thank Erin for putting a few more cracks on the glass ceiling that our own Phyllis George Brown helped to shatter. And please, let's refrain from comments about her pretty hair. Remember the UK-UT game--even she had to wear a cap!
Oh, how I wish I'd known that Erin's job was available when I was in undergrad!! She is fabulous, even though she could stand to go to the Lilly store or Vineyard Vines with Jenks and me. Put that girl in a needlepoint belt and she'd be unstoppable!!